Display 1521 - 1560 hits of 7428.
R-adk | 1.0_1-1 | noarch | Anderson-Darling K-Sample Test and Combinations of Such Test | Mandrake Other |
R-AER | 1.1_9-2 | i586 | Applied Econometrics with R | Mandrake Other |
R-affy | 1.32.1-2 | i586 | Methods for Affymetrix Oligonucleotide Arrays | Mandrake Other |
R-affydata | 1.11.15-1 | i586 | Affymetrix data for demonstration purpose | Mandrake Other |
R-affyio | 1.22.0-1 | i586 | Tools for parsing Affymetrix data files | Mandrake Other |
R-akima | 0.5_7-1 | i586 | Interpolation of irregularly spaced data | Mandrake Other |
R-ALL | 1.4.11-1 | i586 | A data package | Mandrake Other |
R-alr3 | 2.0.5-1 | noarch | Data to accompany Applied Linear Regression 3rd edition | Mandrake Other |
R-amap | 0.8_7-1 | i586 | Another Multidimensional Analysis Package | Mandrake Other |
R-anchors | 3.0_7-1 | i586 | Statistical analysis of surveys with anchoring vignettes | Mandrake Other |
R-annotate | 1.32.1-2 | i586 | Annotation for microarrays | Mandrake Other |
R-AnnotationDbi | 1.16.16-2 | i586 | Annotation Database Interface | Mandrake Other |
R-ape | 3.0-1 | i586 | Analyses of Phylogenetics and Evolution | Mandrake Other |
R-aplpack | 1.2.4-1 | i586 | Another Plot PACKage: stem.leaf, bagplot, faces, spin3R, and | Mandrake Other |
R-arules | 1.0_7-2 | i586 | Mining Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets | Mandrake Other |
R-arulesViz | 0.1_4-1 | i586 | arulesViz - Visualizing Association Rules and Frequent Items | Mandrake Other |
R-BayesX | 0.2_5-1 | i586 | R Utilities Accompanying the Software Package BayesX | Mandrake Other |
R-bdsmatrix | 1.3-1 | i586 | Routines for Block Diagonal Symmetric matrices | Mandrake Other |
R-biclust | 1.0.1-2 | i586 | BiCluster Algorithms | Mandrake Other |
R-biglm | 0.8-1 | i586 | bounded memory linear and generalized linear models | Mandrake Other |
R-Biobase | 2.14.0-2 | i586 | Biobase: Base functions for Bioconductor | Mandrake Other |
R-BiocInstaller | 1.2.1-1 | noarch | Install/Update Bioconductor and CRAN Packages | Mandrake Other |
R-biomaRt | 2.10.0-1 | i586 | Interface to BioMart databases (e.g. Ensembl, COSMIC ,Wormba | Mandrake Other |
R-Biostrings | 2.22.0-2 | i586 | String objects representing biological sequences, and matchi | Mandrake Other |
R-bitops | 1.0_4.1-1 | i586 | Functions for Bitwise operations | Mandrake Other |
R-BSgenome | 1.22.0-2 | i586 | Infrastructure for Biostrings-based genome data packages | Mandrake Other |
R-BSgenome.Celegans.UCSC.ce2 | 1.3.17-1 | noarch | Caenorhabditis elegans (Worm) full genome (UCSC version ce2) | Mandrake Other |
R-BSgenome.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm3 | 1.3.17-1 | noarch | Drosophila melanogaster (Fly) full genome (UCSC version dm3) | Mandrake Other |
R-BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18 | 1.3.17-1 | noarch | Homo sapiens (Human) full genome (UCSC version hg18) | Mandrake Other |
R-BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19 | 1.3.17-1 | noarch | Homo sapiens (Human) full genome (UCSC version hg19) | Mandrake Other |
R-BSgenome.Scerevisiae.UCSC.sacCer2 | 1.3.17-1 | noarch | Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Yeast) full genome (UCSC version s | Mandrake Other |
R-Cairo | 1.5_1-2 | i586 | R graphics device using cairo graphics library for creating | Mandrake Other |
R-cairoDevice | 2.19-1 | i586 | Cairo-based cross-platform antialiased graphics device drive | Mandrake Other |
R-car | 2.0_12-2 | noarch | Companion to Applied Regression | Mandrake Other |
R-caTools | 1.12-1 | i586 | Tools: moving window statistics, GIF, Base64, ROC AUC, etc | Mandrake Other |
R-cba | 0.2_9-1 | i586 | Clustering for Business Analytics | Mandrake Other |
R-chron | 2.3_42-1 | i586 | Chronological objects which can handle dates and times | Mandrake Other |
R-CircStats | 0.2_4-1 | noarch | Circular Statistics, from \"Topics in circular Statistics\" | Mandrake Other |
R-clue | 0.3_43-1 | i586 | Cluster ensembles | Mandrake Other |
R-clv | 0.3_2-1 | i586 | Cluster Validation Techniques | Mandrake Other |